Welcome to Beale Campus
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The SMYL Community College Beale Campus is a safe, exclusive learning environment for those more vulnerable and anxious students. Our Beale campus focuses on mental wellbeing, resiliency, the WA curriculum and project based learning as key elements of our learning programs.

Years 9 - 12

WACE Courses

Project based learning
Vocational Pathways:
Include students completing the Certificate of General Education for Adults
Are based on nationally endorsed Certificate II qualifications in an industry area.
Include subjects and/ or other qualifications that focus on Maths, English, group and community projects, workplace skills and paid traineeships.
Develop social and personal capabilities through undertaking qualifications in Personal Leadership.
Include regular literacy and numeracy checks; and
Are based on individual education plans.
WACE Pathways:
Includes four units that contribute to WACE - English Maths, Career and enterprise, and Health.
Includes students completing the Certificate of General Education for Adults
Develops social and personal capabilities through undertaking qualifications in Personal Leadership.
Includes group and community projects and workplace skills.
Includes regular literacy and numeray checks.
Is based on inidivual eduation plans; and
Has the option of inludcing paid school-based traineeships.